Monday, May 23, 2016

Your attitude will determine your altitude

Blessings!! What a blessing and beautiful day today is and is going to be!! Our attitudes and the outlook we have on this day will determine the outcome of this day. God is so great that He already has our day planned out perfectly for us. He wants us to see the bad situations as a stepping stone for us to grow, learn and for us to exercise the strength that God has already given us to overcome the obstacles! There is a way, and Jesus is that way to our happiness and freedom. Be free today! God bless you all.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Peace like a flowing river

Refresh. Refresh is to make (someone) have more energy and feel less tired. Today God has refreshed us with His glory, love, peace and His presence to allow us to be happy, joyful and for our day to be blessed. Let's choose, on this beautiful day, to embrace Gods refreshments! His peace is like a flowing river. Today's the day the Lord has made, may God's will be done in each of our lives today. Have a fantastic and great day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Refreshed by God

Blessings all! Let's be refreshed through the goodness, grace and mercy of God. Let's declare this day blessed! We will not be shaken by things as long as we stay on the right path, which is Gods path for our lives. Despite what is going on or happening in our own lives and in this world let's continue to allow positive thoughts to flow through our minds today. Always remember that the Lord will always come through on our behalf. We have the victory!! May your day be overflowing with Gods peace and strength. God bless you all.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cherishing each other

Cherishing the precious moments with family, friends, and brothers and sisters who walk side by side with you in the faith is very valuable. God puts people in our lives to be a blessing or a lesson. Praise be to God for the ones who stood by our side through this walk of life we are journeying on.  Embrace each other, love one another, encourage one another, motivate each other and keep building each other up. The sky is the limit for the Lord! Now let's all aboard Flight 777 en route to our purpose and destiny with Jesus Christ as our Pilot! Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day.